Designed to help students prepare for the highly competitive job market, this program offers selected Ph.D. candidates hands-on experience in job market paper presentation skills, career mentoring and interview techniques. Since 2009 the workshop has been held in conjunction with WEAI’s Annual Conference.
Your department is invited to nominate one Ph.D. student who plans to enter the job market by the following January to participate in this innovative program. If your institution is an Academic or Sustaining WEAI Institutional Member you can nominate two students; three students if a Supporting Member; or five if a Sponsoring Member -- learn more about Institutional Membership.
Benefits for Selected Students
- Mentoring from recognized scholars
- Complimentary conference registration and one-year WEAI online membership
- Economy-class airfare and airport transportation to attend the workshop, up to a set limited based on receipts, plus four-night stay at the conference hotel
- Recognition in Association publications and at the Presidential Luncheon and Annual Business Meeting
Schedule of Activities
By accepting the invitation to participate in the WEAI Graduate Student Workshop, students are expected to attend the following events:
Evening Meet and Greet | Thursday, June 19
GSW participants get together to meet up with their advisors for a casual meet and greet. Enjoy a glass of something cold along with some hors d'oeuvres.
Seminar Presentation Workshops | Friday, June 20
To simulate the seminar portion of a typical interview experience, students make a 50-minute to one-hour presentation of their job-market paper, followed by 20 to 30 minutes of questions, comments, and discussion (individual advisors may alter this time ratio). Advisors offer candid critiques of presentation style and technique. Time permitting, advisors will give general job market advice, critique CVs, and give specific advice to each student.
WEAI Welcome Reception | Friday, June 20
Join the rest of the conference attendees at the Welcome Reception to enjoy some time with your colleagues relaxing and catching up. Meet new friends and old!
Mock Interview Panels | Saturday, June 21
Students are scheduled for individual mock interviews that resemble a 25 minute ASSA job interview (25 minutes of interview plus 20 minutes of feedback). Interview panels include graduate student advisors and other volunteers. Interviews are done individually to most closely simulate what occurs during an ASSA interview.
GSW Participants' Luncheon | Saturday, June 21
Relax with fellow participants over a tasty lunch to debrief and share your workshop experiences.
WEAI Presidential Luncheon | Sunday, June 22
Plan to attend the Presidential Luncheon and Annual Business Meeting where you will be recognized as a GSW participant.
Nomination Materials due by December 15 31
Please submit the following information online:
- A two-page synopsis of the student’s job market paper, including references. A fully developed, but not necessarily final, version of the job market paper will be required from the selected students by April 15.
- Student’s curriculum vita.
- Recommendation letter from student’s thesis advisor.
Criteria for Selection
A committee of the WEAI selects students based on topic importance, and originality of ideas and techniques.
Workshop Program Timeline
- December
1531: Nomination deadline. - February: WEAI and Advisors Contact Students
WEAI announces the selection of students. Advisors contact students to let them know plans for the workshop, what their responsibilities are, and answer any questions. - April: Rough Draft of Papers
By April 15, students will be invited to submit a rough draft of papers. - May and June: Stay in Touch and Upload Final Papers
Students will receive information for the Mock Interview Panels with participant information and scheduling. Advisors are encouraged to stay in regular contact with students. By June 1, students should upload their final revisions of papers.
Congratulations to the 2025 Selected Graduate Student Workshop Participants!
- Ignacio Amaral, Arizona State University
- Michael Duncan, West Virginia University
- Natalia Guerrero Trinidad, University of Minnesota
- Yumin Hong, University of Texas, Austin
- Yikuan Ji, University of Maryland
- Yuqi (Angela) Jiang, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Beomyun Kim, Iowa State University
- Irisa Lee, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
- Jiawei Lyu, University of Pittsburgh
- Ana Paula Milan Hinostroza, University of New Mexico
- Kate Musen, Columbia University
- Madalyn Romberger, University of Delaware
- João Tampellini, Vanderbilt University
- Caroline Welter, West Virginia University
- Jaejun Yoon, University of California, Davis
- Hyunjin Yun, University of California, Santa Cruz
2024 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Political Economy
Advisor: Justin Cook, Tulane University
- Dongkyu Yang, University of Colorado, Boulder - Department of Economics
Time to Accumulate In the South - Pablo A. Valenzuela, University of British Columbia - Department of Economics
Highway Site Selection and Race: Evidence from the Interstate Highway System - Toshio Ferrazares, University of California, Santa Barbara - Department of Economics
The Effect of ShotSpotter Technology on Police Response Times - Victoria Mooers, Columbia University - Department of Economics
Social Networks and Electoral Competition
Group #2 | Topics in Applied Microeconomics
Advisor: D. Mark Anderson, Montana State University
- Anja Gruber, University of Colorado, Boulder - Department of Economics
The Impact of Paid Maternity Leave Policies on the Early Career Decisions of College Educated Women - Huihuang Zhu, University of California, Los Angeles - Department of Economics
Evaluating the Achievement and Inequality Effects of Academic Tracking: Lessons from Advanced Placement - Jessica Kiser, Vanderbilt University - Department of Economics
Access to Maternal Healthcare and Home Births: Evidence from Midwifery Regulation and Maternity Ward Closures - Monique Davis, University of Minnesota - Applied Economics
School Resource Office Selection and Training on Racial Disparities in Exclusion
Group #3 | Applied Microeconomics: Past & Present
Advisor: Lawrence J. White, New York University
- Adam Solomon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Economics
Optimal Insurance Scope: Theory and Evidence from US Crop Insurance - Calvin Bryan, Colorado State University - Agricultural and Resource Economics
Is that $30,000 Drop Effective? - Ozgen Kiribrahim-Sarikaya, Arizona State University - Department of Economics
Place-Based Environmental Regulation and Labor Market Dynamics - Raymond Kim, University of California, Merced - Department of Economics
Making a Police Officer: Police Quality After the Spoils System in the Urban US
Group #4 | Microeconomics and Public Policy
Advisor: Kathleen McGarry, University of California, Los Angeles
- Adrian Amaya, University of Hawaii at Mānoa - Department of Economics
Medicaid Enrollment Responses to Wildfire Pollution - Emily Arnesen, University of Oregon - Department of Economics
Teacher Raises, Retention and Education - Kalvin Mudrow, West Virginia University - Department of Economics
Schooling Post Pandemic: The Effect of Shutdowns on Students Moving Forward
2023 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Health, Education, and Social Media
Advisor: Jane Ruseski, West Virginia University
- Addison (Spencer) Perry, Arizona State University - Department of Economics
Dynamic (In)efficiencies in Public Insurance Provision: Evidence from the Medicaid Expansion - Kairon Garcia, Washington State University - School of Economic Sciences
How Did School Closures Affect High School Seniors? - Rachel Nesbit, University of Maryland at College Park - Department of Economics
Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System: The Effect of Mandating Treatment for Convicted Individuals - Xhulio Uruci, University of California, Santa Barbara - Department of Economics
Animus, Beliefs, and Social Media in Uncertain Times
Group #2 | Empirical Political Economy
Advisor: Justin Cook, Tulane University
- Pierre Biscaye, University of California, Berkeley - Agricultural and Resource Economics
Agricultural Shocks and Conflict in the Short- and Long-Term: Evidence from Desert Locust Swarms - Ernesto Tiburcio Manon, Tufts University - Economics Department and The Fletcher School
The Local Reaction to Unauthorized Mexican Migration to the US - Reem Zaiour, University of California, Davis - Department of Economics
Violence in Mexico, Return Intentions and Integration of Mexican Migrants in the US - Sakina Shibuya, University of Wisconsin - Madison - Agricultural and Applied Economics
Understanding the Costs of Hiring Women in Pakistan
Group #3 | Topics in Applied Microeconomics
Advisor: D. Mark Anderson, Montana State University
- Tanner Eastmond, University of California, San Diego - Department of Economics
How Does Where You Live Change What You Think? Evidence From Volunteer Missionaries - Eli Kochersperger, West Virginia University - Department of Economics
Quantifying the Effects of Fentanyl Exposure Misinformation on Opioid Mortality - Jhih-Yun Liu, University of Minnesota - Department of Applied Economics
The Dust Bowl and Occupational Persistence in Agriculture - Fabiola Alba-Vivar, Teachers College, Columbia University - Department of Education Policy and Social Analysis
Opportunity Bound: Transport and Access to College in a Megacity
Group #4 | Microeconomic Analyses and Public Policy
Advisor: Lawrence J. White, New York University
- Pearl Li, Stanford University - Department of Economics
Value Pricing or Lexus Lanes? Winners and Losers from Dynamic Toll Pricing - Philip Economides, University of Oregon - Department of Economics
Unconventional Protectionism in Containerized Shipping - C. Adam Pfander, University of Colorado, Boulder - Department of Economics
Trade and the Competition for Transport - Nayul Kim, Ohio State University - Department of Economics
Dynamic Evaluation of Preference Program in Public Procurement Market
2022 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 - Health and Education
Advisor: Jane Ruseski, West Virginia University
- Elise Marifian, University of Wisconsin - Madison - Department of Economics
Selling College: The Effects of Advertising on Enrollment at Less-Selective Colleges - James Flynn, University of Colorado Boulder - Department of Economics
Can Expanding Access to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives Reduce Adverse Infant Health Outcomes? - Opinder Kaur, University of California, Riverside - Department of Economics
Intergenerational Health Effects of Adult Literacy Programs: Evidence from India - Parker Rogers, University of California at San Diego - Department of Economics
Regulating the Innovators: Approval Costs and Innovation in Medical Technologies
Group #2 - Crime, Conflict, Health, and Labor
Advisor: Francisca M. Antman, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Roman Rivera, Columbia University - Department of Economics
The Effect of Electronic Monitoring on Defendant Outcomes - Livia Alfonsi, University of California, Berkeley - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Meet Your Future: Job Search Efforts and Aspirations of Young Jobseekers - Mohammad Ahmad, Tufts University - Department of Economics
Historical Conflict & Contemporary Economic Preferences - Kattya Quiroga-Velasco, University of Maryland - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Broken Trust: Forced Sterilizations in Peru
Group #3 - Applied Micro
Advisor: Jason Shogren, University of Wyoming
- Osaretin Olurotimi, University of Wisconsin - Madison - Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Does Conflict Harm Learning Outcomes? Evidence from Uganda - Christopher Malloy, University of California, Santa Barbara - Department of Economics
The Socioeconomic Consequences of Wildfire Liability: Evidence from PSPS Events in California - Molly Elder, Tufts University - Department of Economics
Calculating the Social Cost of Wildfire Emissions - Aldo Gutiérrez Mendieta, University of Maryland - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
A Tale of Two Goods: The Role of Environmentally Friendly Products in Consumer Choice and Public Policy
Group #4 - Public Policy
Advisor: Justin Cook, University of California, Merced
- Xinle Pang, Pennsylvania State University - Department of Economics
Moving into the Floodplains: The Spatial Implications of Federal Disaster Relief Policies - Maria Victoria Barone, University of California, Los Angeles - Department of Economics
Sick Pay and Labor Supply - Minseon Park, University of Wisconsin - Madison - Department of Economics
Sorting, Commuting, and School Choice - Hadar Avivi, University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics
One Land, Many Promises: Heterogeneous Childhood Location Effects
2021 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Education, Health, and Labor
Advisor: Francisca M. Antman, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Fernanda Rojas-Ampuero, University of California, Los Angeles - Department of Economics
Sent Away: Long-term Effects of Forced Displacements - Ilaria D'Angelis, Boston College - Department of Economics
Are We There? The Search for Amenities and the Early Career Gender Wage Gap among Highly Educated Workers - Kaitlyn Sims, University of Wisconsin-Madison - Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Seeking Safe Harbors: Emergency Domestic Violence Shelters and Family Violence - Luis Armona, Stanford University - Department of Economics
Redesigning Federal Student Aid in Higher Education
Group #2 | Economics of Education, Health, and the Household
Advisor: Jane Ruseski, West Virginia University
- Nikolai Boboshko, Cornell University - Department of Economics
The Effect of Tenure Laws on Students: Evidence from the Implementation of Tenure Systems in the 20th Century - Arian Seifoddini, University of California, Davis - Department of Economics
How Does the Earned Income Tax Credit Affect Household Expenditures for Single Female Heads of Households? - Ernest Dorillas, Georgia State University - Department of Economics
Distance and Quality Tradeoff: The Tale of US Rural Mothers
Group #3 | Applied Micro for Policy
Advisor: Jason Shogren, University of Wyoming
- Karen Ortiz-Becerra, University of California, Davis - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Land Concentration and Rural Labor Markets: Theory and Evidence from Colombia - Eleanor Wiseman, University of California, Berkeley - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Trade, Informality and Corruption: evidence from small-scale traders in Kenya - John Moorehouse, University of Oregon - Department of Economics
Carbon Taxes in Spatial Equilibrium - Alexander Cardazzi, West Virginia University - Department of Economics
Nudging and Driving: An Analysis of Dynamic Message Signs in Virginia
Group #4 | Dan's Applied Micro Group
Advisor: Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado, Denver
- Maggie Shi, Columbia University - Department of Economics
The Costs and Benefits of Monitoring: Evidence from Medicare Audits - Arkadev Ghosh, University of British Columbia - Department of Economics
Religious Divisions, Production Technology and Firm Productivity: Experimental Evidence from India - Robel Alemu, Tufts University - Department of Economics
Long-term Impacts of Micronutrient Deprivation on Education Attainment: Evidence from Wartime Disruption of Iodized Salt in Ethiopia - Julieth Santamaria, University of Minnesota - Department of Applied Economics
When a Stranger Shall Sojourn with Thee: The Impact of the Venezuelan Exodus on Colombian Labor Markets
2020 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Development & Labor
Advisor: Francisca M. Antman, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Maria Caballero, Carnegie Mellon University - Department of Economics
The Impact of Destination Immigration Policies on Origin-Country Human Capital Investment - Eduardo Cenci, University of Wisconsin, Madision - Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics
Internal Migration and the Spread of Long-Term Impacts of Historical Immigration in Brazil - Grant Graziani, University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics
Provider Practice Styles and Patient Race: Evidence from Primary Care - Ezra Karger, University of Chicago - Department of Economics
The Long-Run Effect of Public Libraries on Children: Evidence from the Early 1900s
Group #2 | Health, Labor and Welfare Economics
Advisor: Jane Ruseski, West Virginia University
- Anne Burton, Cornell University - Department of Economics
Smoking Bans in Bars and Restaurants, Alcohol Consumption, and Social Welfare - Luciana Etcheverry, University of Oregon - Department of Economics
Work Half-Time, Receive Full-Time Pay: Effect of Novel Family Policy on Female Labor Market Outcomes - Alexa Prettyman, Georgia State University - Department of Economics
Happy 18th Birthday, Now Leave: The Hardships of Aging Out of Foster Care - Siddhartha Sanghi, Washington University, St. Louis - Department of Economics
Health Inequality: Role of Insurance and Technological Progress
Group #3 | Games, Experiments & Rationality
Advisor: Jason Shogren, University of Wyoming
- Jefferson A. Arapoc, University of Newcastle, Australia - Department of Economics
Impacts of Wealth Distribution Systems on Individual Trust - Chelsea Pardini, Washington State University - Department of Economic Sciences
Game-Theoretic Analysis of US Settlement Allowing for Coercion and Activism - Yuxin Su, Claremont Graduate University - Department of Economics
How to Improve Motivation Using Pro-social Bonuses: An Experiment
Group #4 | Dan's World of Applied Micro
Advisor: Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado, Denver
- Nicolas Carollo, University of California, Los Angeles - Department of Economics
The Effect of Occupational Licensing and Certification Policies on Wage and Employment Dynamics - Christina Kent, Stanford University - Department of Economics
When A Town Wins the Lottery: Evidence from Spain - James Sayre, University of California, Berkeley - Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics
Make Avocados not Drugs: Export Opportunities, Criminal Organizations, and Rural Development in Mexico - Katherine Wen, Cornell University - Department of Policy Analysis & Management
Influenza Vaccination Requirements in Nursing Homes: Impacts on Elderly Hospital Events and Mortality
2019 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Social Welfare Outcomes of Federal and State Policies
Advisor: Maureen Pirog, Indiana University
- David Arnold, Princeton University - Industrial Relations Section
The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Labor - Zachary Bleemer, University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics
Affirmative Action, Percent Plans, and the Return to Postsecondary Selectivity - Amrita Kulka, University of Wisconsin, Madison - Department of Economics
Sorting into Neighborhoods and Schools: The Role of Minimum Lot Sizes - Cody Tuttle, University of Maryland, College Park - Department of Economics
Racial Discrimination in Federal Sentencing: Evidence from Drug Mandatory Minimums
Group #2 | Health Economics
Advisor: Jane Ruseski, West Virginia University
- Will Davis, Georgia State University - Department of Economics
Should Kids Have Their School Lunch and Eat It Too? Estimating the Effect of Universal Free School Meals on Child Health - Angela Denis, University of Chicago - Department of Economics
Health Depreciation Uncertainty and Working Decisions of Older Individuals - Krisztina Horvath, Boston College - Department of Economics
Adverse Selection and Switching Costs in Health Insurance Marketplaces: Using Nudges to Fight the Death Spiral - Shuqiao Sun, University of Michigan - Department of Economics
Dynamic Complementarities Very Early in Life: Family Planning, Early Childhood Education, and Lifetime Human Capital
Group #3 | Applied Micro
Advisor: Jason Shogren, University of Wyoming
- Matthew Gammans, University of California, Davis - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Information and Adaptation: Time Use Response to Weather Forecasts - Alohi Nakachi, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Indigenous Knowledge and the Tragedy of the Commons - Cory Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Economics
Land Concentration and Long-run Development: Evidence from the Frontier United States - Jason Somerville, Cornell University - Department of Economics
Choice-Set-Dependent Preferences and Salience: An Experimental Test
Group #4 | Domestic and International Macro
Advisor: Scott Schuh, West Virginia University
- Sylverie Herbert, Cornell University - Department of Economics
Strategic Communication with Heterogeneous Beliefs - Karam Jo, University of Maryland, College Park - Department of Economics
Defensive Innovation and Firm Growth in the US: Impact of International Trade - Yang Li, Simon Fraser University - Department of Economics
Time-Varying Fear, Trading Volume, and The Great Recession - Jiannan Zhou, University of Colorado Boulder - Department of Economics
Survey Evidence on Habit Formation
2018 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Macroeconomics, Development & International Finance
Advisor: Nancy Jianakoplos, Colorado State University
- Isha Agarwal, Cornell University - Department of Economics
The Bank Lending Channel and the Exchange Rate Disconnect - Alex Xi He, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Economics
Rent-Extracting Mergers - Jonathan Malacarne, University of California, Davis - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
The Farmer and The Fates: Perceptions of Self-Efficacy, Learning and Investment in a Stochastic Production Process
Group #2 | Policy Effectiveness in Education, Energy, Environment & Development
Advisor: Maureen Pirog, Indiana University
- Katy Bergstrom, Stanford University - Department of Economics
The Targeting Benefit of Conditional Cash Transfers - Matthew Butner, University of Colorado Boulder - Department of Economics
Gone with the Wind: Consumer Surplus from Renewable Generation - Jongwook Lee, University of Minnesota- Department of Applied Economics
The Effect of Early Childhood Malnutrition on Human Capital Development in Ethiopia
Group #3 | Applied Micro Analysis: Labor, Environment & Education
Advisor: Daniel Rees, University of Colorado Denver
- Sarah Bana, University of California, Santa Barbara - Department of Economics
Identifying Vulnerable Displaced Workers: The Role of State-Level Occupation Conditions - Maulik Jagnani, Cornell University - Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
Sunset-Induced Reallocations of Time and Human Capital Production - Nicholas Wright, Georgia State University - Department of Economics
Need-Based Financing Policies, College Decision-Making and Labor Market Behavior - Karen Ye, University of Chicago - Department of Economics
Peer Effects in College Application Interventions
Group #4 | Labor Market Issues & Behavioral Economics
Advisor: Jane Ruseski, West Virginia University
- Panka Bencsik, University of Sussex - Department of Economics
Stress and Behavioral Effects of Neighborhood Crime: Evidence from the UK - Chang Hyung Lee, University of California, Santa Barbara - Department of Economics
Minimum Wage Policy and Community College Enrollment Patterns - Ding Xuan Ng, Johns Hopkins University - Department of Economics
Technological Unemployment and Occupational Mobility - Siobhan O'Keefe, University of California, Davis - Department of Economics
Baby's Gone: The Effects of Increased Sentencing Severity on Fertility and Family Formation
2017 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Credit, Debt Collection, Public Health, Local Impacts
Advisor: John Cawley, Cornell University
- Janjala (Pom) Chirakijja, Northwestern University - Department of Economics
The Local Economic Impacts of Prisons - Julia Fonseca, Princeton University - Department of Economics
Access to Credit and Financial Health: Evaluating the Impact of Debt Collection - Lauren Hoehn Velasco, Boston College - Department of Economics
Human Capital Formation and the Childhood Disease Environment: Evidence from a Rural Public Health Investment in the US - Yi Xin, Johns Hopkins University - Department of Economics
Asymmetric Information, Reputation, and Welfare in Online Credit Markets
Group #2 | Networks, Reputation, Media Personality & Political Premium
Advisor: Tim Brennan, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Vesall Nourani, Cornell University - Department of Economics
Social Network Effects of Technology Adoption: Investing with Family, Learning from Friends & Reacting to Acquaintances - Harry Di Pei, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Economics
Reputation Effects under Interdependent Values - Heyu Xiong, Northwestern University - Department of Economics
Media Personality and Its Political Premium
Group #3 | Immigration, Migration, Crime & Minimum Wage
Advisor: Nancy Jianakoplos, Colorado State University
- Christine Braun, University of California, Santa Barbara - Department of Economics
Crime and the Minimum Wage - Oleg Firsin, Cornell University, School of Applied Economics and Management
Low-Skilled Immigration and Offshoring Effects on Native Wages - Chen Liu, University of California, San Diego - Department of Economics
Quantifying the Impacts of a Skill-based US Immigration System Reform - Ruben Rojas Valdes, University of California, Davis - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
The Dynamic Migration Game: A Structural Econometric Model and Application to Rural Mexico
Group #4 | Inequality, ACA & Risky Sex, SNAP & Obesity
Advisor: Maureen Pirog, Indiana University
- Augustine Denteh, Georgia State University - Department of Economics
The Effect of SNAP on Obesity in the Presence of Endogenous Misreporting - Nick Tsivanidis, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
Commuting Technologies, City Structure and Urban Inequality: Evidence from Bogota's TransMilenio - Barton Willage, Cornell University - Department of Economics
Ex Ante and Ex Post Moral Hazard: Lessons from the ACA and Risky Sex
2016 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Empirical Investigations in Education and International Trade
Advisor: Nancy Jianakoplos, Colorado State University
- Barbara Biasi, Stanford University - Department of Economics
Unions, Salaries, and The Market for Teachers: Evidence from Wisconsin - Felix L. Friedt, University of Oregon - Department of Economics
Trade Policy Effectiveness in the Presence of Integrated Bilateral Transport Costs: The Importance of the Backhaul Problem to the Determination of Trade - Sharat Ganapati, Yale University - Department of Economics
Globalized Sourcing, Scale Economies, and Local Market Power: The Modern Wholesaler - Lester R. Lusher, University of California, Davis - Department of Economics
College Better: Parimutuel Betting Markets as a Commitment Device and Monetary Incentive
Group #2 | Education, Labor Markets, Healthcare and Culture
Advisor: Maureen Pirog, Indiana University
- Brenda Samaniego de la Parra, University of Chicago - Department of Economics
How Much is Formality Worth? Evidence from Mexico's Labor Market - Atul Gupta, Stanford University - Department of Economics
Quality Incentives, Hospital Responses and Patient Health - Ciprian Domnisoru, Carnegie Mellon University - School of Public Policy and Management
Overeducation, Choice of College Major and Parental Background - James V. Marrone, University of Chicago - Department of Economics
Culture as a Habit: Assimilation and Language Learning Over the Lifecycle
Group #3 | Programs and Policies Affecting Human Capital, Child Development, Hospital Stays and Consumer Behavior
Advisor: Brian Duncan, University of Colorado
- Teresa Molina, University of Southern California - Department of Economics
Pollution, Ability and Gender-Specific Investment Responses to Shocks - Victor A. C. Ronda, Johns Hopkins University - Department of Economics
Maternal Mental Health and Child Development - Liam Rose, University of California, Santa Cruz - Department of Economics
The Effects of Skilled Nursing Facility Care: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from Medicare - Rebecca L. Taylor, University of California, Berkeley - Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics
Giving Plastic Bags the Sack: The Non-Monetary Costs of Changing Consumption
Group #4 | Health, Education and Welfare
Advisor: Bruce McGough, University of Oregon
- Serena Canaan, University of California, Santa Barbara - Department of Economics
Parental Leave, Intra-Household Specialization and Children's Well-Being - Peter Hull, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Economics
Hospital Quality and Choice: Evidence from Ambulance Referral Patterns - Lindsey K. Novak, University of Minnesota - Department of Applied Economics
School of Thought: The Role of Formal Education in Shifitng Opinions of Female Genital Cutting in Burkina Faso - Evan Riehl, Columbia University - Department of Economics
Mismatch and Complementaries: Admission Exams and the Allocation of College Quality
2015 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Economics of Health
Advisor: John Cawley, Cornell University
- Diane Alexander, Princeton University, Department of Economics
Do Doctors Engage in Risk Selection? Unintended Consequences of Paying Doctors to Reduce Costs - Benjamin David Ukert, Georgia State University, Department of Economics
The Effect of Smoking Cessation on Alcohol Consumption: Evidence from a Randomized Trial - Ariell Zimran, Northwestern University, Department of Economics
Does Sample-Selection Bias Explain the Industrialization Puzzle? Evidence from Military Enlistment in the Ninetheenth-Century United States - Jennifer E. Muz, University of California, Irvine, Department of Economics
The Impact of the Business Cycle on Fertility Decisions among Dual Earner Couples
Group #2 | Programs and Policies Affecting Education and Fertility
Advisor: Brian Duncan, University of Colorado, Denver
- Nazmul Ahsan, University of Southern California, Department of Economics
Do Parents Selectively Time Birth Relative to Ramadan? Evidence from Matlab, Bangladesh - Ricardo Espinoza, University of Maryland, Department of Economics
Quality Information Disclosure and College Choice Decision: Evidence from an Accreditation Program - Michel Z. Grosz, University of California, Davis, Department of Economics
The Returns to Community College Health Programs: Evidence from California - Jenna E. Stearns, University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Economics
The Effects of Paid Maternity Leave: Evidence from Temporary Disability Insurance
Group #3 | Addressing Economic Issues with Data from Diverse Economies
Advisor: Nancy Jianakoplos, Colorado State University
- Ellen McCullough, Cornell University, School of Applied Economics and Management
Understanding Agricultural Labor Exits in Sub-Saharan Africa - Obie C. Porteous, University of California, Berkeley, College of Natural Resources, Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics
High Trade Costs and Their Consequences: An Estimated Model of African Agricultural Storage and Trade - Aine Seitz McCarthy, University of Minnesota, Department of Applied Economics
His and Her Fertility Preferences: An Experimental Evaluation of Differential Information in Family Planning - Joseph Briggs, New York University, Department of Economics
Wealth and Portfolio Risk: Evidence from Swedish Lotteries
Group #4 | Telephones, School Testing, Public Health, and Wages
Advisor: Maureen Pirog, Indiana University
- Robert M. Gonzalez, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Economics
Social Monitoring and Electoral Fraud: Evidence from a Spatial Regression Discontinuity Design in Afghanistan - Sarah A. G. Komisarow, The University of Chicago, Department of Economics
Public Health Regulation and Mortality: Evidence from Early 20th Century Milk Laws - Na'ama Shenhav, University of California, Davis, Department of Economics
The Power of the Purse: Linking Changes in the Wage Structure, the Gender Gap and Family Outcomes - Michael J. Thacker, University of Oregon, Department of Economics
A Bayesian Estimator of State-Space Time-Varying-Parameter Logit Models: An Evolutionary Model of Telephony Demand
2014 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Education, Human Capital, Health & Labor Market
Advisor: Brian Duncan, University of Colorado, Denver
- Stefanie Fischer, University of California, Santa Barbara - Department of Economics
The Differential Effect of Classroom Composition on Men's and Women's STEM Persistence: Evidence from General Chemistry - Gizem Kosar Karaca, John Hopkins University - Department of Economics
The Effect of the EITC on Human Capital Formation - Elira Kuka, University of California, Davis - Department of Economics
Unemployment Insurance and Health - Ben Zou, University of Maryland - Department of Economics
The Local Economic Spillover Effects of Military Personnel Contractions
Group #2 | Econometric Investigations in Joint Consumption: Education, Networks, Climate, and Drug Coverage in Health Insurance
Advisor: Greg Hunter, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
- Michael Gechter, Boston University - Department of Economics
Extrapolating the Results of Social Experiments: Identification of Predicted Average Treatment Effects and Evidence from Two Education Experiments in India - Denise Hammock Clayton, University of California, San Diego - Department of Economics
The Effect of Prescription Drug Coverage on Mortality: Evidence from Medicaid - Michael Leung, Stanford University - Department of Economics
A Random-Field Approach to Inference in Large Network Models - Benjamin Miller, University of California, San Diego - Department of Economics
Does Validity Fall from the Sky? Observant Farmers, Exogenous Rainfall, and Climate Change
Group #3 | Effects of Young Children and Older Juveniles
Advisor: Nancy Jianakoplos, Colorado State University
- Gulcan Cil, University of Oregon - Department of Economics
The Effects of Posted Point-of-Sale Warnings on Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy and on Birth Outcomes - Ankita Patnaik, Cornell University - Department of Economics
Reserving Time for Daddy: The Short and Long-Run Consequences of Fathers' Quota - Kevin Shih, University of California, Davis - Department of Economics
The Impact of International Students on U.S. Graduate Education - Megan Stevenson, University of California, Berkeley - Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Breaking Bad: Social Influence and the Path to Criminality in Juvenile Jails
Group #4 | Bank Lending, Credit, and Debt
Advisor: Ellis Tallman, Oberlin College
- Filippo De Marco, Boston College - Department of Economics
Bank Lending and the Sovereign Debt Crisis - Benjamin Hebert, Harvard University - Business School
Moral Hazard and the Optimality of Debt - Ji Huang, Princeton University - Department of Economics
Banking and Shadow Banking - Xuyang Ma, New York University, Stern School of Business - Department of Finance
Safe Harbor or Automatic Stay? A Model of Repo Runs
2013 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Topics in Liquidity, Information, and Trade
Advisor: Ellis W. Tallman, Oberlin College
- Daniel J. Grodzicki, Stanford University
Competition and Price Dispersion in the Credit Card Market - Philip A. Luck, University of California, Davis
Intermediate Good Sourcing, Wages and Inequality: From Theory to Evidence - Jacopo Magnani, University of California, Santa Cruz
Financial Circuit Breakers: Theory and Experiments - Alvaro Pedraza, University of Maryland, College Park
Strategic Information Revelation and the Misallocation of Capital - Qi Sun, University of Southern California
A Model of Corporate Liquidity Management
Group #2 | Applied Micro and Experimental Economics
Advisor: Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado, Denver
- Richard B. Baker, Boston University
From the Field to the Classroom: The Boll Weevil’s Impact on Education in Rural Georgia - Joseph R. Cummins, University of California, Davis
The Use and Misuse of Child Height-for-Age Z-score in the Demographic and Health Surveys - Deborah Goldschmidt, Boston University
State Abortion Restriction and Children’s Living Circumstances - Guojun He, University of California, Berkeley
The Health Effects of Air Pollution: Evidences from the 2008 Beijing Olympics - Malgorzata Switek, University of Southern California
Internal Migration and Life Satisfaction: Well-Being Effects of Moving as a Young Adult
2012 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Labor, Experimental Economics, and Health
Advisor: Daniel I. Rees, University of Colorado, Denver
- Ciril Bosch-Rosa, University of California, Santa Cruz
Surveying Annoyance in the Lab - Christopher J. Cronin, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Annual Health Insurance Decisions, Uncertain Health Transitions, and within Year Medical Care Consumption - Lisa J. Dettling, University of Maryland, College Park
Opting Back In: Home Internet Use and Female Labor Supply - John Michael Ian S. Salas, University of California, Irvine
Evaluating the Impact of a Disruption in Publicly-Provided Contraception Supply on Fertility Outcomes in the Philippines
Group #2 | Macroeconomics, Finance, Markets, and the Environment
Advisor: William S. Neilson, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Chiara Farronato, Stanford University
Sale Mechanisms in Online Markets: What Happened to Internet Auctions? - Kate Foreman, University of California, Berkeley
Does Congestion Pricing Decrease Traffic Volumes and Travel Times? Evidence from Bay Area Toll Charges - Weishi Grace Gu, Cornell University
Jobless Recoveries: Employment Benefit Cost and Financial Frictions - Gazi Ishak Kara, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
International Competition and Coordination for the Regulation of Systematic Risk - Stephen J. Terry, Stanford University
A Whale of A Tale: The Economics of Subsistence Hunts
2011 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Advisor: Jeffrey T. LaFrance, Washington State University, Pullman
- Jing Cai, University of California, Berkeley
Determinants of Microinsurance Takeup: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in China - Kate B. Fuller, University of California, Davis, Julian M. Alston, University of California, Davis, and Jim Sanchirico, University of California, Davis
Spatial Externalities and Vector-Borne Plant Diseases: Pierce’s Disease and the Blue-Green Sharpshooter in the Napa Valley - David Haim, Oregon State University
Three Essays on the Economics of Climate Change, Land Use and Carbon Sequestration - Matthew J. Niedzwiecki, University of California, San Diego
Estimating the Income Elasticity of Demand of Medical Care - Byoung Hoon Seok, University of Rochester
Growth, Undervaluation, and Global Imbalances: The Role of Learning-by-Exporting
Group #2 | Advisor: Gordon B. Dahl, University of California, San Diego
- Brad Hershbein, University of Michigan
Worker Signals among New College Graduates: The Role of Selectivity and GPA - Ernest Boffy-Ramirez, University of California, Santa Barbara
Explaining Changes in Immigrant Educational Attainment - Mohsen Javdani, Simon Fraser University
Glass Ceilings or Glass Doors? The Role of Firms in Male-Female Wage Disparity in Canada - Meryl Motika, University of California, Irvine
Planning Prosperity and Wealth: An Investigation of Retirement Saving Behavior - Denis Tkachenko, Boston University, and Zhongjun Qu, Boston University
Identification and Frequency Domain QML Estimation of Linearized DSGE Models
2010 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Advances in Modeling Dynamic Processes
Advisor: Gautam Gowrisankaran, University of Arizona
- Diether Beuermann, University of Maryland, College Park
The Role of Local Governments’ Efficiency in Decentralized Public Service Delivery: Evidence from a Randomized Intervention in Rural Russia - Tim A. Graciano, Washington State University
The Timing of Fixed Costs to Trade - Joanne W. Hsu, University of Michigan
Re-dividing Labor within the Household: Ability, Human Capital, and Financial Decision Making in Older Couples
Group #2 | Policy Issues for Developing Countries
Advisor: Jeffrey B. Nugent, University of Southern California
- Gabriel Lara-Ibarra, University of Maryland, College Park
Pension Reforms and the Incentives to Save: Lessons from Mexico - Donghyun Lee, University of Oregon
Essays in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions and Technology - Todd Pugatch, University of Michigan
Essays on Labor Markets, Education and Migration in Developing Countries
2009 Graduate Student Workshop Participants
Group #1 | Macro/Trade
Advisor: Ellis Tallman, Oberlin College
- Hirokazu Ishise, Boston University
Trade Dynamics - Brian Kovak, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Essays on Trade Policy, Local Labor Markets, and Inequality - Tatevik Sekhposyan, University of North Carolina
Inflation and Output Growth Differentials in the Euro Area: The Role of Monetary Policy - Greg Wright, University of California, Davis
Offshoring Costs and Worker Response to the Changing Distribution of Tasks
Group #2 | Applied Micro
Advisor: Ronald L. Oaxaca, University of Arizona, Tucson
- Moriah Bellenger, Oregon State University
Essays on Environmental Productivity - Sera Linardi, California Institute of Technology
Expected Information (EI): An Environment Sensitive Measure for Information Aggregation - Maria Canon, University of Rochester
The Role of Schools in the Production of Achievement - Byron Lee, University of Toronto
The Impact of Labour Market Experience on Employment Outcomes for High School Graduates: Evidence from British Columbia