The EI Editors invite you to browse the October 2024 issue featured article: "Lockdown drinking: The sobering effect of price controls in a pandemic" Farasat A. S. Bokhari, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK Ratula Chakraborty, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK Paul W. Dobson,... Continue Reading
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The CEP Editors invite you to browse the October 2024 issue featured article: "Business as usual? Unraveling the impact of Brexit on UK-EU business links" Zovanga Kone, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK Feicheng Wang, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Zheng... Continue Reading
Featured article by Craig McFarland, Peter A. Groothuis, and Dennis Guignet Continue Reading
The Editors of Contemporary Economic Policy are pleased to congratulate the recipients of the 2023 Best Article Award! "Mass Gatherings Contributed to Early COVID-19 Mortality: Evidence from US Sports" Continue Reading
The Editors of Economic Inquiry are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 Best Article Award! Congratulations to Dickens and Lagerlöf for their outstanding work. Continue Reading