Professional Development Opportunities in 2025


The 100th Annual Conference program features a series of sessions and opportunities promoting professional development. Join us in San Francisco, June 20-24. You won't want to miss it!

The Hidden Curriculum: Everything You Weren't Taught in Graduate School about Doing Applied Research

Hosted by D. Mark Anderson, Montana State University

This workshop is intended to be a practical guide for graduate students doing applied research.  In it, we will provide tips on how to start a research project, when to switch topics, and how to effectively manage multiple projects at once.  We will also provide practical advice on how to write an applied economics paper and guide participants through the publication process.

Two-part Data Reproducibility Tutorials

Hosted by Lars Vilhuber, AEA Data Editor

Part 1: Building a replication package from Day 1 - practices, documentation (based on)
Part 2: Advanced tools to be reproducible, and check it too (based on)

Replication Games | pre-conference workshop June 19th

Co-hosted with The Institute for Replication

Conference attendees are invited to participate! The Replication Games is a one-day event that brings researchers together to collaborate on reproducing and replicating papers published in high-ranking journals. For the Replication Games, we are looking for professors, post-docs, graduate students and more broadly researchers. Researchers participating in the Replication Games will join a small team of 3-5 members with similar research interests. Teams may conduct sensitivity analysis using the same data but different procedures as were used by the original investigator and/or recode the study using the raw or intermediate data. Teams may also use new data. See here for more information. Participants will be granted co-authorship to a meta-paper combining a large number of replications. Participants will be matched based on research interests, and a study from a leading journal will be assigned to each team.

FRED®: Active Learning with Economic Data

Hosted by Diego Mendez-Carbajo, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Learn how to bring active learning with FRED data to your hybrid or online course. We will demonstrate teaching strategies and instructional resources you can use right away.

Career Opportunities & Preparing for the Job Market: Advice from the Leading Employer of Economists

Hosted by Jocelyn Jackson, Federal Reserve Board of Governors

The Federal Reserve is the largest employer of economists in the world – 948 economists as of 12/31/23 – and it hires economists in just about every JEL code. What job market advice do economists from the Fed have for prospective candidates? What does their hiring process look like and what opportunities are there across the Fed? What is the work environment like and what resources are available to researchers? What do career trajectories within the Fed look like and how do they compare with academia? All of these questions and more will be addressed by a panel of new economists from across the Federal Reserve System.

For complete conference information, visit the conference website which will always be the most up to date source of information on the 100th Annual Conference!