Submit a Conference Abstract
If you need assistance during the submission process, contact
Before submitting your paper information and abstract for the upcoming conference, make sure that you've registered to attend (and for volunteer papers that you've paid the paper submission fee). WEAI members always get the lowest prices, so join or renew first to access the savings!
So that your paper details can be listed properly on the conference platform, program book, and event app, the following information will be collected during the submission process:
- Paper presenter's name, professional affiliation, position/title/rank, and e-mail address; same information for coauthors.
- Paper title, paper topic area (three appropriate codes from the JEL Classification System), and appropriate keywords.
- Abstract of 350 words or less including a statement of the research or policy question and the contribution made by the paper; as well as method(s), model(s) and, if applicable, relevant data including time frame and geographical scope
An email confirmation of your submission will be sent upon completion, however these emails often end up in junk mail, so be on the lookout!
Contemporary Economic Policy Session Paper Abstracts | INVITE ONLY
Jack Hou (CSULB) serves as the Specialized Co-Editor for CEP Conference Sessions. If you have been invited by Professor Hou to submit for the CEP session track, submit here to direct your paper submission to his attention.
Organized Session Paper Abstracts | INVITE ONLY
All other organized session presenters for Allied Society sessions, defense sessions, individually organized sessions, etc. submit here and we will place your paper into the appropriate session once it has been reviewed and approved for placement.